Nardy House Press Release


Contact: Denise Redmond


Nardy House has received a $1500 from the Social Golfer Club in Bermagui The Club has been going for ten years. They are a small group of social golfers who raise money for local charities through raffles, social events and club fees.


A spokesperson for the group detailed past efforts, “Included in our group’s donations are 3 wheelchairs to Bega Hospital, 2 donations to Nardy House, donations to a skate park for youth at Cobargo, donations to Bermagui Cricket and Bermagui football clubs and donations to CanAssist. CanAssist help out local cancer sufferers and their carers if needed “


Betsy Hilton from the Nardy House Board accepted the donation. The Hilton family donated five and a half acres of land to Nardy House for the three-stage facility.


Denise Redmond CEO said, “ All donations received by Nardy House are going to the final stage of the project: a therapy room and pool. This facility will be able to be accessed by the general public and will meet a real community  hydrotherapy need. Nardy House participants will also use the pool but given that we only care for a maximum of twelve people the facility would be underutilized if used only by NHI clients. We direct donations to other purposes if a request comes in from donors. The Social Golfers realize the benefits of hydrotherapy to the general health of the community. They have been consistent supporters of Nardy House and their support means the charity is able to continue with its work.”